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Fake call center scams involve criminals posing as representatives from legitimate companies in order to gain access to personal information or money from unsuspecting victims. They may use a variety of tactics, such as offering bogus services or products, requesting payment via prepaid cards, or asking for sensitive financial information, like credit card numbers or bank account information. Many fake call centers are being raided and busted by police and investigation agencies. See the views of Mr. Mohit Yadav, a highly famous cyber security expert all over the world, on the matter of this scam call centers looting several innocent individuals and organizations in bulk online financial transactions. Mohit further explains that in some cases, “the scammer may attempt to gain access to the victim’s computer in order to install malicious software or steal personal information. These scams can be difficult to detect and are often successful due to the trust victims have in the caller.”
Tinku kumar
Cyber Security Expert -
Tahir Ali